Friday, July 17, 2015

Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning: Reflect for Peace

Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning: Reflect for Peace: We are born with preferences to identify with the similar and reject the unfamiliar and different. We erroneously believe our survival depen...

Teach Online with Moodle

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Teach to Teach with Technology EdMedia 2015

I was invited to present at EdMedia Emerging Technologies stream. I decided to engage the audience by suggesting they use their smart phones, take photos, and use Evernote to recording and document their work during the presentation. I even organized badges on Make Badges to encourage interactivity. I was pleased to see clicks throughout the session, but surprised that not one of the participants claimed their badge. Putting yourself out there is not easy for many. I guess participants expect traditional presentations even with the topic "Teach to Teach with Technology". 

Teach to Teach with Technology EdMedia 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Revise Psychology: Reliability and Validity

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